New Car Technology Guarantees Green Lights All the Times

Traffic lights exist to control the flow of traffic, ensuring that we don't all go driving like maniacs on the road. But what if there was a technology that made it so we never had to stop at a light -- ever? Believe it or not, that's the idea behind Audi's new Travolution device -- and if early test results are to be believed, the wireless attachment could significantly reduce traffic congestion as well as exhaust emissions.

By connecting wirelessly to "smart" traffic lights, the Travolution calculates the distance of an upcoming light and then tells you how fast you need to go in order to reach the light as soon as it turns green. It's just like driving down your favorite road where you have the timing of the signal changes memorized, only it'll work with every road (well, the ones that have intelligent signals). By having cars constantly moving, traffic inevitably speeds up, gas mileage improves due to less stopping and starting, and less idling means less CO2 production. Can this device do no wrong?

Well, it's clear that the Travolution system has many potential benefits, and as mentioned, a two-year test that Audi conducted saw significant improvements in traffic congestion. But remember that in less than optimum situations (e.g. standstill traffic), the device may not provide any benefit at all. And don't forget that traffic lights will need to be refitted and reprogrammed to be compatible with the Travolution. So while we love the idea of a traffic-free city, we won't hold our breath for an actual release date. [From: Daily Mail]